Toronto City Council has approved laneway suites!

Toronto Laneway Suites

A laneway suite is a self-contained residential unit located on the same lot as a detached house, semi-detached house or townhouse, and generally located in the rear yard next to a laneway.

Laneway suites are generally smaller in scale and completely detached from the main house on the lot.

They provide new rental housing opportunities within established neighbourhoods, providing a wider range of low-density housing options while enhancing neighbourhood and community character.

In Canada, laneway suites have been implemented in Ottawa, Vancouver, Edmonton, and Calgary. In Toronto, some already exist, but are limited in number.

Similar to other second units, laneway suites are a part of complete communities. They can provide more opportunities for people to live in ground related housing, for residents to live close to where they work, shop, and play and, can help make the city’s urban lanes more green, liveable, and safe.

These suites can contribute to increasing the supply of rental housing and provide additional housing options for households at different ages and life stages.

Read the full report here:

photo: Google maps, Sussex Mews